Our Story
The first ever Remfry cricket guard was made for Indian legend Sunil Gavaskar in December 1985. It was a forearm guard made by Steve Remfry who was an Orthotist (splint maker) at the then named Adelaide Children's Hospital.
After noticing Gavaskar using an old tattered forearm guard on the news, Steve thought he could produce something better than the one he had seen. He designed and made a forearm guard the next day at work (in his lunch break of course) and called into Adelaide Oval on his way to the train station for his commute home. In those days he was able to simply walk in, approach Sunil and present him the guard. Sunil took it and wore it in his next innings, scoring an impressive 166 not out. The rest is history!
Over the next 30 years players from every international team met with Steve when they arrived for the Adelaide Test Match. All of the cricket guards were made in his small back yard shed at the family home in Hallett Cove. Over the years word spread, and players from professional domestic competitions around the world called Steve and placed orders. Despite this the Remfry brand remained a bit of a mystical entity amongst local cricketers until the arrival of the Internet. Remfrycricket.com began in the mid 2000s and made the brand more accessible to casual and local cricketers, not just the professional.
Steve became ill in 2012 and was not able to continue manufacturing the guards. It did however provide a great opportunity for some father-son time with Steve able to teach his eldest son Luke the tricks of the trade. Through practice and persistence Luke was able to produce the same quality products as his famous father, and has even added a few touches of his own to the design and manufacturing process.
Our products are now manufactured in Luke's backyard shed in the neighbouring suburb of Sheidow Park and are available through contacting Luke. During 2014 Remfry Protective Gear came to an arrangement with Greg Chappell Cricket Centre to stock the famous Remfry products in their nine stores located around Australia. This arrangement continues and has made the Remfry brand even more accessible to all.
Steve passed away in 2016 but has left a lasting legacy that will hopefully continue for many more generations of the Remfry family.